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Api Reference



function addProps(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => (Record<string, any> | null | void),
  options: IterationOptions = COMPONENTS_AND_ELEMENTS
): VNodeArrayChildren
function addProps(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => (Record<string, any> | null | void),
  options: IterationOptions = COMPONENTS_AND_ELEMENTS
): VNodeArrayChildren


Adds props to 'top-level' element and component VNodes in the passed array. Nodes directly in the array will be updated, as will the children of any fragment nodes in the array. Aside from fragment nodes, nested children will be skipped.

The options object can be set to { component: true } or { element: true } to limit iteration to just components or elements respectively.

Eligible VNodes will be passed to the provided callback. The callback should return an object containing props that need to be added to the VNode. The VNode itself will not be changed, it will be cloned using Vue's built-in cloneVNode() helper. Any ancestor fragment nodes will be cloned as required.

The passed array will not be modified, but if no changes were required then the same array may be returned.

See also



function betweenChildren(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (previousVNode: VNode, nextVNode: VNode) => (VNode | VNodeArrayChildren | string | number | void),
  options: IterationOptions = SKIP_COMMENTS
): VNodeArrayChildren
function betweenChildren(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (previousVNode: VNode, nextVNode: VNode) => (VNode | VNodeArrayChildren | string | number | void),
  options: IterationOptions = SKIP_COMMENTS
): VNodeArrayChildren


Inserts VNodes between adjacent 'top-level' siblings. The children of fragments will be considered 'top-level' nodes, and the children of different fragments will still be treated as adjacent siblings if there are no other eligible nodes between them.

The options object can be used to decide which node types should be passed to the callback. If no options object is passed then comment nodes will be skipped. If an options object is passed, all nodes will be skipped by default unless explicitly ruled in.

Each invocation of the callback will be passed two nodes, the previousNode and the nextNode. The nextNode for the current invocation of the callback will become the previousNode on the next invocation. If any of the children are not fully instantiated

VNodes, such as strings of text, they will be converted to full VNodes prior to being passed to the callback. If the callback returns null or undefined (or an empty array) then no change is made to the tree. If a single VNode is returned it will be inserted into the tree between the previousNode and nextNode. If an array of nodes is returned then they will all be inserted between the current two nodes.

The exact position of the newly inserted nodes within the tree is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon. The current pair of nodes might be in different fragments, or they might already have other nodes between them that are being skipped by the options. No guarantees are made about the positions of the inserted nodes relative to other nodes, only that they will be somewhere between the pair passed to the callback.

The passed array and its contents will be left unmodified. Any fragment nodes will be cloned as required to avoid mutating the input nodes. The returned array may contain some of the same nodes as the input array, as nodes are not cloned in cases where it can be avoided. If no nodes are inserted then the original array may be returned.

See also



function eachChild(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => void,
  options: IterationOptions = ALL_VNODES
): void
function eachChild(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => void,
  options: IterationOptions = ALL_VNODES
): void


An iterator for 'top-level' nodes, comparable to Array.protoype.forEach. The children of a fragment will be considered 'top-level' nodes rather than the fragment itself.

The callback will be passed fully instantiated VNodes. Children will be converted to VNodes as required.

The options object can be used to decide which node types should be passed to the callback. If no options object is passed then all nodes will be iterated. If an options object is passed, all nodes will be skipped by default unless explicitly ruled in.

See also



function everyChild(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => unknown,
  options: IterationOptions = ALL_VNODES
): boolean
function everyChild(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => unknown,
  options: IterationOptions = ALL_VNODES
): boolean


An iterator for 'top-level' nodes, comparable to Array.protoype.every. The children of a fragment will be considered 'top-level' nodes rather than the fragment itself.

If the callback returns a falsy value then the iteration will exit and everyChild() will return false. Otherwise everyChild() will return true once all nodes have been iterated.

The callback will be passed fully instantiated VNodes. Children will be converted to VNodes as required.

The options object can be used to decide which node types should be passed to the callback. If no options object is passed then all nodes will be iterated. If an options object is passed, all nodes will be skipped by default unless explicitly ruled in.

See also



function extractSingleChild(children: VNodeArrayChildren): VNode | undefined
function extractSingleChild(children: VNodeArrayChildren): VNode | undefined


Pulls out a single 'top-level' child VNode from an array of children. The extracted node must be either an element or a component VNode. If other non-empty children are found then a warning will be logged in development builds.

As with the other helpers, the children of fragments will be considered top-level children.

The intended use case is for components that only support a single child node in a slot, like Vue's built-in components <Transition> and <KeepAlive>.

See also



function findChild(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => unknown,
  options: IterationOptions = ALL_VNODES
): (VNode | undefined)
function findChild(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => unknown,
  options: IterationOptions = ALL_VNODES
): (VNode | undefined)


An iterator for 'top-level' nodes, comparable to Array.protoype.find. The children of a fragment will be considered 'top-level' nodes rather than the fragment itself.

If the callback returns a truthy value then the iteration will exit and findChild() will return the current VNode. Otherwise findChild() will return undefined once all nodes have been iterated.

The callback will be passed fully instantiated VNodes. Children will be converted to VNodes as required. As a result, it is possible that the returned VNode is not actually present in the original array of nodes. In practice this should rarely be a problem, as slot functions return fully instantiated VNodes.

The options object can be used to decide which node types should be passed to the callback. If no options object is passed then all nodes will be iterated. If an options object is passed, all nodes will be skipped by default unless explicitly ruled in.

See also



function getText(vnode: VNode | string | number): string | undefined
function getText(vnode: VNode | string | number): string | undefined


Returns the text content of a text node. If the passed value is not a text node (consistent with isText()) then undefined will be returned instead.

See also



function getType(vnode: any):
'comment' |
'component' |
'element' |
'fragment' |
'static' |
'text' |
function getType(vnode: any):
'comment' |
'component' |
'element' |
'fragment' |
'static' |
'text' |


Returns a string describing the type of VNode passed. The passed node doesn't have to be a fully instantiated VNode, it supports a number of other values, consistent with render functions and the valid values for children of h.

If the passed value doesn't appear to be convertible to a VNode, the returned value will be undefined.

See also



function isComment(vnode: any): vnode is (null | undefined | boolean | (VNode & { type: Comment }))
function isComment(vnode: any): vnode is (null | undefined | boolean | (VNode & { type: Comment }))


Returns true if the passed value is considered to be a comment. This could be a comment VNode, or undefined, null, false, or true. This is consistent with how render functions and h treat children, with all of those values being converted to comment nodes.

See also



function isComponent(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: Component })
function isComponent(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: Component })


Returns true if the passed value is a component VNode. This includes both stateful and functional components.

See also



function isElement(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: string })
function isElement(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: string })


Returns true if the passed value is an element VNode, e.g. a <div> or <span>.

See also



function isEmpty(children: VNodeArrayChildren): boolean
function isEmpty(children: VNodeArrayChildren): boolean


A helper to check whether an array of VNodes is empty. Comment nodes and collapsible white-space are considered empty content.

Fragment VNodes are treated as empty if all their children are considered empty.

CSS is not taken into account, so the resulting DOM nodes may not be visible. Content hidden with v-show, for example, will not be considered empty.

Component nodes are treated as non-empty, but in practice a child component might not render anything. isEmpty() is intended to be used during rendering, and child components aren't rendered until after their parent component. isEmpty() can only make a best guess, but a completely accurate check would need to be based on the DOM post-rendering.

This helper is written using someChild(). If the exact criteria it uses to decide emptiness are not correct for your use case then it can be used as an example and adapted accordingly.

See also



function isFragment(vnode: any): vnode is ((VNode & { type: typeof Fragment }) | VNodeArrayChildren)
function isFragment(vnode: any): vnode is ((VNode & { type: typeof Fragment }) | VNodeArrayChildren)


Returns true if the passed value is considered a fragment. This could either be a fragment VNode or an array. This is consistent with how render functions and h treat children, with arrays being converted to fragments.

See also



function isFunctionalComponent(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: FunctionalComponent })
function isFunctionalComponent(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: FunctionalComponent })


Returns true if the passed value is a VNode for a functional component.

See also



function isStatefulComponent(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: ComponentOptions })
function isStatefulComponent(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: ComponentOptions })


Returns true if the passed value is a VNode for a stateful (i.e. non-functional) component. This includes async components

See also



function isStatic(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: typeof Static })
function isStatic(vnode: any): vnode is (VNode & { type: typeof Static })


Returns true if the passed value is a static VNode. Static VNodes are a special kind of VNode used to render large quantities of static HTML without incurring the cost of creating an individual VNode for each element. They aren't returned from slot functions, so in practice they're unlikely to be encountered in the normal use cases for vue-vnode-utils.

See also



function isText(vnode: any): vnode is (string | number | (VNode & { type: Text }))
function isText(vnode: any): vnode is (string | number | (VNode & { type: Text }))


Returns true if the passed value is considered to be text. This could be a text VNode, or a string, or a number. This is consistent with how render functions and h treat children, with strings and numbers being converted to text nodes.

See also



interface IterationOptions {
  component?: boolean
  comment?: boolean
  element?: boolean
  static?: boolean
  text?: boolean
interface IterationOptions {
  component?: boolean
  comment?: boolean
  element?: boolean
  static?: boolean
  text?: boolean


Options that can be passed to the iterators to filter the node types that should be passed to the callback. Some common configurations are available via the constants ALL_VNODES, COMPONENTS_AND_ELEMENTS and SKIP_COMMENTS.



function replaceChildren(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => (VNode | VNodeArrayChildren | string | number | void),
  options: IterationOptions = SKIP_COMMENTS
): VNodeArrayChildren
function replaceChildren(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => (VNode | VNodeArrayChildren | string | number | void),
  options: IterationOptions = SKIP_COMMENTS
): VNodeArrayChildren


Adds, removes or replaces 'top-level' VNodes in the passed array. Eligible nodes directly in the array will be passed to the callback, as will the children of any fragment nodes in the array. Aside from fragment nodes, nested children will be skipped.

The options object can be used to decide which node types should be passed to the callback. If no options object is passed then comment nodes will be skipped. If an options object is passed, all nodes will be skipped by default unless explicitly ruled in.

The callback will be passed the VNodes in tree order. If any of the children are not fully instantiated VNodes, such as strings of text, they will be converted to full VNodes prior to being passed to the callback. Nodes that aren't passed to the callback will retain their positions within the VNode tree. If the callback returns null or undefined, the current node will be left in its current position in the VNode tree. If the callback returns a single VNode, it will replace the original VNode in the tree. If the callback returns an array, all the VNodes in the array will be used to replace the current node. The current VNode can be included in the returned array, allowing for nodes to be added around the current node. An empty array can be used to remove the current VNode.

The passed array and its contents will be left unmodified. Any fragment nodes will be cloned as required to avoid mutating the input nodes. The returned array may contain some of the same nodes of the input array, as nodes are not cloned in cases where it can be avoided. If no changes are required then the original array may be returned.

See also



function someChild(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => unknown,
  options: IterationOptions = ALL_VNODES
): boolean
function someChild(
  children: VNodeArrayChildren,
  callback: (vnode: VNode) => unknown,
  options: IterationOptions = ALL_VNODES
): boolean


An iterator for 'top-level' nodes, comparable to Array.protoype.some. The children of a fragment will be considered 'top-level' nodes rather than the fragment itself. If the callback returns a truthy value then the iteration will exit and someChild() will return true. Otherwise someChild() will return false once all nodes have been iterated.

The callback will be passed fully instantiated VNodes. Children will be converted to VNodes as required.

The options object can be used to decide which node types should be passed to the callback. If no options object is passed then all nodes will be iterated. If an options object is passed, all nodes will be skipped by default unless explicitly ruled in.

See also

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